
Looks like a run of the mill comic movie, So far I am pretty sure the X-men series is the best. Also, Nicolas Cage is the worst actor ever in my book he's right there with Kevin Costner. The problem is, is that he has no acting depth , his "ghostrider" is the same as his "dude from gone in 60 sec" or the same as "dude from con air". And then they throw in those cheesy lines from the script........:angst:. Anyways movie at least looks descent. Hopefully no Uwe Bolle if you know what I mean.
I agree he's has what I call the Kramer syndrome. Another words no matter what part he plays, he can't change the way he acts. I mean no matter what Kramer plays on any other show than Seinfield he will always be known as "Kramer".
Have you guys seen Matchstick Men? I thought he did a pretty good job with that one.
Have you guys seen Matchstick Men? I thought he did a pretty good job with that one.
Nope. He's not a bad actor. I like most of his movies like Gone in 60 seconds, National treasure etc. But he just has a wierd attitude to him. Like he think he's all cool and laid back.
