Worth while web clips... or maybe not

This was the first I'd heard of it, but the idea intrigued me.  I'd likely be the last person to take the offer from someone holding that sign, or to join in, but it's a neat idea.
This was the first I'd heard of it, but the idea intrigued me.  I'd likely be the last person to take the offer from someone holding that sign, or to join in, but it's a neat idea.
People are to uptight these days. I even find myself doing it. If I saw that guy on the street I would be like "what a wierdo". But not because what I think he is doing is wrong.

Anyone a fan of Robin Williams as a standup comic?  I was skeptical when a friend told me I should check it out, but after watching a few clips online I've found he can be quite hilarious.  Just say no if your at work and without headphones.

Jamaica, scots, golf  (7 min)  lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VucDIAN2OjQ

South of the border (2 min)  lol:twisted:

I listened to the scotish golf one this morn off your myspace page.  Pretty funny.
I listened to the scotish golf one this morn off your myspace page.  Pretty funny.
Yeah that one you watched is the last 2 minutes of the above 7 minute clip.  The one I linked to up there includes some jamaica stuff, nasa, etc...

"Sometimes, a hug is all what we need. Free hugs is a real life controversial story of Juan Mann, A man whos sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives.In this age of social disconnectivity and lack of human contact, the effects of the Free Hugs campaign became phenomenal.
As this symbol of human hope spread accross the city, police and officials ordered the Free Hugs campaign BANNED. What we then witness is the true spirit of humanity come together in what can only be described as awe inspiring.

In the Spirit of the free hugs campaign, PASS THIS TO A FRIEND and HUG A STRANGER! After all, If you can reach just one person... "

Anyone know the status of this campaign? And, why did the police and offficials order the banning of Free Hugs?

I think I've posted a link to the flash animation title "Animator vs. Animation" before.  Where the animators flash stick figure comes to life and a battle using Flash tools ensues.  I just ran across "Animator vs. Animation II"  If you haven't seen the first one there is a link provided in the opening of this animation.


Cool video, I have seen the first one.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxbKr_oVshcOne of my co-workers doing karaoke at the House of Blues.  He was out in San Diego for Microsoft's big Convergence event.  Apparently everyone else there sucked so he felt the need to do it right with some Vanilla Ice :shock:
