Nostaliga items

I used to dream about being rich and having these in my home when I was younger.


No lie, I have this out in my garage right now. It's from 1986, you got it from Ghostbusters cereal. 

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Anyone remember this movie?


What a monster this thing was.


Does anyone remember this things from growing up? It seems everyone had one of these for an alarm clock. Different helmets depending on your team.


What a monster this thing was.

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Was that an actual GI Joe toy? DOn't recall that but man they didn't mess around back then. Between that and the huge aircraft carrier things were awesome!

Was that an actual GI Joe toy? DOn't recall that but man they didn't mess around back then. Between that and the huge aircraft carrier things were awesome!
I just looked it up and it retailed for $89.99. Can you imagine what they would sell something like that in this day and age?

I absolutely loved my external ZIP drive. I loved the hard disks. So much storage at the time. Loved how it would eject it.


I absolutely loved my external ZIP drive. I loved the hard disks. So much storage at the time. Loved how it would eject it.

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In college I remember when this came out and had to have it. 100 MB storage compared to floppy disks? YES PLEASE! We bought an internal one from ESP at the time and installed it oursleves in our first Gateway. First time getting into seeing the internals of a computer.

Our second one we got an external plus 250 MB disks. So awesome. Only bad tme I had was there was a bad drive in one at the college that corrupted all my zip disks so I lost all my data. It was small C++ programs for classes and other small documents. I switched back to floppy disks for those. I was able to fix the disks and use again but just lost the data.

Sea Monkeys. Did anyone else have them as a kid? I loved them. Now that I am thinking about them, I might order my kids some. I had such great memories of them (until my cat spilled them) 😭


I spent so many weekend renting this NES game.


Wait really? You too?
Ya man I loved that game, it must had been something about that box art. I remember evert friday or Saturday renting it. It was like a 2-day rental. I can't remember much about the game graphics, but the box art always stuck with me.
