Media burnout


Staff member
Jan 28, 2006
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Anyone else getting media burnout lately? Seems like America is such a dumpster fire lately that is all you see on the media anymore. I think staying up on current events is important but it can really change your attitude and make you a media zombie at the same time. Sometimes you just need to disconnect yourself.
Just like with most things, moderation is best policy. I usually try to catch the opening 15 minute monologue of my favorite political/news show in the evening and that's about it. Too much will just put you in a bad mood or get you worked up, and that is by design.
One thing that I really need to work on is spending less time on my phone in the evenings. I have been in this funk of just sitting on X and scrolling endlessly to end my evening. I need to stop doing that so much.
All this war stuff and seeing these kids and people hurt on the media is really bumming me out. I think I am going to step away from them some.
Yes I agree, it gets tiresome.