Water drinking app


Active member
Jun 23, 2017
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I downloaded this app on my android called Water Your Body, and I have never realized how little water I drink until now. It has you put in your weight, then reminds you with a water swooshing sound when you should drink your designated input size. I put in 16 oz water bottle - it is helping me remember a lot and I already feel better

Just thought I'd share - it's pretty neat and makes taking care of yourself like a game

Water is important. I try (but still never get my full amount).
Neat Idea.

I would like to see something that takes lets you add based on the type of fluid. Not because I want to debate the merits of water over soda, but because I think it would novel to chart that.

It could be handy to have to have some rpg element of

-2 pts for 1oz of alchol

-1 for for 12oz of beer

1pts for 12oz of tea, soda or coffee

2pts for 12oz of water.

For my body weight, this app calculated I needed 107 of water per day. If I drank 1 every hour I was awake, I would need to drink 6.7oz every hour.

So far I've had 3 cups of coffee and 1/2 can of pop. Better get drinking that water.

At least made me check for similar apps in the WP eco-system. The most similar sounding app I found was Quench. I've recently been trying to drink more iced tea (unsweetened) or coffee at work to cut back on the amount of soda I would consume in a day. Not as good as water, at least until Friday when the tea mix seems to run out and the fountain machine just spits water anyway...

Edit: Still browsing the marketplace for my phone a bit. Reviews on Quench were less than steller, seems to be a popular app idea as I see many available. Highest rated seems to be Water logger

I have a 40 ounce Klean Kanteen that I take to work. I try to drink a good majority of it before lunch and then refill at noon and try to drink most again before the end of the work day. I also have probably 20-30 ounces while I work out every night. I think a higher sodium diet that I have makes me drink a lot of water naturally through the day.
It's Fuji water or nothing for me! ;)


I see Pebble has an app like this that actually challenges you to drink water.


Challenge yourself to drink more water for better health! Health experts recommend drinking at least a half gallon (8 cups) of water every day. Drinking enough water can help you lose weight by controlling your appetite, boosting your metabolism, and aiding your digestion.

