Ukraine funneling money and weapons to Russia and China?


Staff member
Jan 28, 2006
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Here is one for you. I have read reports that once we send money and weapons to Ukraine, they don't have a way of tracking it from there on out. You are seeing the Biden administration giving them 800 million about every month now along with ammo and weaponry. Now put your tinfoil hats on, what if they are acting just like a proxy and funneling this stuff through the country and turning over the weapons to China and Russia? Wait you say Russia is their enemy? Are they though? Maybe that is why Russia isn't attacking very hard to draw it out since they know that we will keep giving money and weapons, slowly depleting our own country and allowing China to reverse engineer the weaponry as well. That is why Russia is sending all their old equipment in as well, to play the part and get rid of their old stuff. What do you think? Tinfoil hat, or some truth in it?

Nothing would surprise me, both Ukraine and Russia (and China) are corrupt and are no friends of our country.





Another day another 1.7 billion.



I wonder if he is going to talk about where they want their cut of the money deposited?

Hey look it’s Friday again!

What a joke.

Hey we made it through the weekend at least!
